Clever solution!

I'm not an expert, but there are features of a graph database in which Roam is based that haven't been implemented. One of these is the capacity to add properties or labels to the links (edges, in graph database terms). I guess it's going to be implemented in the near future. This is going to add extra power to Roam.

«The edges representing the relationships have two qualities: they always have a start node and an end node, and are directed; making the graph a directed graph. Relationships can also have properties. This is useful in providing additional metadata and semantics to relationships of the nodes.» https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graph_database

(Similar tools like Tinderbox or Storyspace by Eastgate have had this feature for long.)

Thanks for sharing!

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This is excellent, Matt. An easily implemented solution to the directionality problem.

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Good article Matt - clever and useful. Thanks!

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